Chaz Hands
Massage & Bodywork in San Francisco
headshot of Charles Lindsay, CMT, a white man with kempt hair and beard, smiling warmly in a gray shirt standing over a massage table in front of a beige background
Charles Lindsay, CMT
Book a Massage
call or text 415 723 2129

I specialize in creating comforting, caring experiences that relax and rejuvenate my clients, proudly relieving pain and tension in bodies of all colors, shapes, genders, orientations, ages, levels of ability, and economic circumstances. My business name is a silly pun, but my bodywork is seriously restorative.

I tailor my sessions to the specific needs and requests of the person on my table, drawing from a variety of techniques including Swedish and deep tissue massage, trigger points, myofascial release, range-of-motion (RoM) stretching, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF, or facilitated stretching).

Reach out today to see how I can help soothe your body's aches and discomfort.

Reviews directly from clients and fellow therapists:

Charles is amazing!

All around terrific experience

The best massage I've ever had

Excellent massage from start to finish

Fantastic balance of soothing and intense

Charles is gifted, sensitive, and professional

Brilliant massage with a great blend of techniques

Amazing control and precision targeting specific layers and muscles

I charge rates on a sliding scale based on what you can afford. Discounts are available for members of cooperatives & unions (except those for the benefit of law enforcement personnel). Please reach out to me directly to take advantage of these perks. I respectfully decline to work on agents of any law enforcement organization.